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DSM 6.2 kann geladen werden

Neues NAS-Betriebssystem: Synology verteilt DSM 6.2

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Wie angekündigt hat der Netzwerk-Ausstatter Synology Version 6.2 seines NAS-Betriebssystems DSM jetzt zum Download bereitgestellt und damit die seit Oktober 2017 laufende Betaphase abgeschlossen.

Synology Dsm 500

Zehn Tage nach der Bereitstellung des Release Candidate, wird das Update zwar noch nicht in der DSM-Systemsteuerung angezeigt, die Aktualisierung lässt sich allerdings schon aus dem Download-Portal des Herstellers laden und manuell einspielen.

Die neue System-Version, deren Online-Demo auf dieser Sonderseite ausprobiert werden kann, wird für alle Systeme angeboten, die auch DSM 6 unterstützen und beschreibt die von ihr eingeführten Neuerungen in diesem Changelog.

Letztes Update für viele Modelle

Für viele Modelle, unter anderem die populäre DS211j und die DS112+w, wird DSM 6.2 die letzte Aktualisierung sein. Zwar verspricht Synology kritische Sicherheitsupdates für die Altgeräte noch rund zwei Jahre lang ausliefern zu wollen, neue Funktionen werden die hier gelisteten Modelle jedoch nicht mehr bekommen.

Die offiziellen Release-Notes im Volltext

DSM Version: 6.2-23739 – 2018-05-23

Compatibility and Installation

  1. DSM 6.2 can only be installed on Synology products running DSM 6.0 and above.
  2. Starting from DSM 6.2, the core replication function is centrally managed by a new package, Replication Service. Packages with replication feature, such as Snapshot Replication, must install the Replication Service package.
  3. For the following models, DSM 6.2 will be the last upgradable version. DSM 6.2 will continue to receive critical and security updates for a minimum of 2 years after the official release.
    • XS Series : RS3412xs, RS3412RPxs, RS3411xs, RS3411RPxs, DS3612xs, DS3611xs
    • Plus Series : RS2212+, RS2212RP+, RS2211+, RS2211RP+, RS812+, RS812RP+, DS2411+, DS1812+, DS1512+, DS1511+, DS712+, DS412+, DS411+II, DS411+, DS213+, DS212+, DS211+, DS112+
    • Value Series : RS812, RS212, DS413, DS411, DS213, DS212, DS211, DS112, DS111
    • J Series : DS413j, DS411j, DS411slim, DS213air, DS212j, DS211j, DS112j
    • Others : DDSM

What’s New in DSM 6.2

  1. DSM
    • For easier management, Key Manager can now be stored locally on Synology NAS. Encrypted shared folders can be auto-mounted without the need of a USB drive. (To achieve better data protection, users are suggested to store Key Manager on an external USB drive.)
    • Standard users can now right-click on shared folders in File Station to view Properties.
    • Added support for IBM WebSphere SSO.
    • Enhanced password strength policy for better account security.
    • Added support for a new SMS provider SendinBlue and Clickatell API (RESTful).
    • Added support for Thai language.
    • Updated Privacy Statement and related settings in the installation flow.
  2. iSCSI Manager
    • Brand new iSCSI Manager built for IT administrators, providing a new management user interface for an optimized iSCSI management and monitoring experience.
    • Advanced LUN provides lightning-fast LUN snapshot creation and recovery, and LUN cloning within seconds, as well as VAAI/ODX, storage acceleration commands, and support for better VM performance. Since Advanced LUNs can utilize file system cache to provide better efficiency, block-level LUNs will no longer be supported on DSM 6.2 and onward. DSM 6.2 will still be compatible with the block-level LUNs upgraded from DSM 6.1 and prior.
    • Supports cross-volume LUN clones.
    • Added support for network binding settings to allow each iSCSI target to map to a network interface.
    • Users can now disable storage reclamation for thin-provisioned LUNs to enhance I/O performance.
  3. Storage Manager
    • The brand new Overview shows the health status of all storage components on your NAS, displaying a clearer and better look on the system overview.
    • Introduced Storage Pool, a new storage component, to replace the original Disk Group and RAID Group, and rearrange storage-related functions to provide users with a more consistent and smoother experience.
    • Smart Data Scrubbing detects the supported file system and RAID type to perform data scrubbing automatically while enhancing data scrubbing usability. A new built-in scheduler allows users to do data scrubbing periodically with just a few clicks, improving data integrity and consistency.
    • RAID resync speed can now be adjusted to accommodate IT management needs.
    • Users can remotely deactivate drives via Storage Manager for better management.
    • Added a default monthly S.M.A.R.T. test on both new and existing drives that were not previously configured.
    • After each DSM upgrade, DSM will remind users if a bad sector or lifespan alert is not set up.
    • The health status of disks is now uniform with storage pools and volumes.
    • Log Center now includes disk logs.
    • Provided an option to change stripe cache size when the RAID type of Storage pool is RAID 5, RAID 6, RAID F1, or SHR (three disks or above).
  4. High Availability Manager 2.0
    • High Availability Manager has been modularized into a package to ensure better system maintenance and offers greater update flexibility.
    • New mechanism can now eliminate unnecessary system reboot during major update to keep your cluster secure and maintain high service availability.
    • SHA 2.0 can handle situations more effectively especially when the servers are in a vulnerable state.
    • A simpler yet more intuitive user interface, offering you a comprehensive cluster overview and management.
    • The new interface design provides more detailed and visual information as well as easy-to-follow solutions.
    • Brand new user interface is introduced to display more details of both active server and passive server, giving you an in-depth system utilization overview.
    • When first creating SHA cluster, user new to SHA can choose to only replicate system configuration to shorten setup time.
  5. Extended Btrfs File System Coverage
    • Btrfs file system is now available on more Synology NAS models utilizing ARM platforms. Enjoy the powerful features of the next-generation file system.
    • Applied Models:
      • 18-series: DS218, DS418 and more x18 series to come.
  6. Azure AD support
    • Added the capability to join existing Azure AD as an SSO client. Utilizing the single sign-on feature, daily productivity is increased by saving time spent on re-authentication.
  7. Security Advisor
    • User login details and abnormal geolocation information are dissected using intelligent analysis techniques and reported via DSM notifications.
    • Daily and monthly reports provide more comprehensive information, allowing IT administrator to review abnormal activity and security scan regularly.
  8. TLS/SSL Profile Level
    • An advanced way to configure your security level profile based on different services to meet different security level requirements, providing flexibility to suit your network security requirements.
  9. 2-step authentication
    • Synology NAS administrators must set up an email notification when 2-step authentication is enabled.
  10. Domain/LDAP management
    • Flexibly assign specified domain groups with admin privileges.
  11. FTP
    • Added ECDSA certificate support for FTPS connections.
  12. NFS
    • Added NFS v4.1 multipathing for load balancing and network redundancy to fully support VMware vSphere® 6.5.
    • Applied models:
      • 18-series : DS3018xs, DS418play, DS918+, DS418j, DS418, DS718+, DS218+
      • 17-series : FS3017, FS2017, RS4017xs+, RS3617xs, RS3617RPxs, DS3617xs, RS3617xs+, RS18017xs+, DS1817+, DS1817, DS1517+, DS1517, RS217
      • 16-series : RS2416RP+, RS2416+, RS18016xs+, DS416play, RS816, DS916+, DS416slim, DS416j, DS416, DS216play, DS716+II, DS716+, DS216j, DS216+II, DS216+, DS216, DS116
  13. Package Center
    • The brand new user interface design brings a more intuitive experience and allows users to quickly find everything they need.
  14. IHM tool
    • Added Seagate IronWolf Health Management (IHM) support on DS118,
      DS218play, DS418j and DS418.

Known Issues & Limitations

  1. DSM 6.2 is the last DSM version supporting IPv6 Tunneling in Network Interface.
  2. The Fedora utility will not be supported after DSM 6.2.
  3. Starting from DSM 6.2, the USB device drivers, including printers, cloud printers, DAC/speakers, Wi-Fi dongles, DTV dongles, LTE dongles, and Bluetooth dongles will no longer be updated.
  4. Wi-Fi dongle does not support Parental Control and Device List if set as Bridge Mode.
  5. Starting from DSM 6.2 Beta, Virtual Machine Manager will no longer support creating clusters with older DSM versions. Please update each host in the cluster to the same DSM version or above versions for the Virtual Machine Manager cluster to operate properly.
  6. SSH authentication by DSA public key is prohibited for security concerns.
  7. When logging in through VPN or Proxy server, some functionalities may have authentication issues. To fix this issue, please go to Control Panel > Security, and click the Trusted Proxies button to add the trusted proxy server to the list.
  8. The original RAID scrubbing scheduled tasks will be migrated to Smart Data Scrubbing scheduled tasks. If the upgrade is performed while running scheduled tasks, the Data Scrubbing process will automatically be re-executed shortly after the upgrade is completed.
  9. Office 2.x and below are not compatible with DSM 6.2.
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    15 Kommentare bisher. Dieser Unterhaltung fehlt Deine Stimme.
  • Mich würde ja interessieren, wie zuverlässig der „Chat“ über die Synology klappt. Meine da 213j unterstützt das nicht mehr.

    • Also ich habe es bei verschiedenen Kunden am laufen. Inzwischen funktioniert es einwandfrei.

      • nur groß mit geheimniskrämerei ist nicht, wenn push mitteilungen angezeigt werden sollen… der text geht an den synology push server und wird dann weitergeleitet an das ziel… eine elegantere lösung wie bei threema konnten die wohl nicht machen…

  • Gibt es auch diesmal wieder Probleme mit Plex auf der DS? War ja bisher fast immer so bei einem DSM Update.

  • Besteht die Möglichkeit in einer VM ein W10 laufen zu lassen? Ich benötige ein bestimmtes Programm (RetroShare) welches darauf laufen muss.

  • Mich würde interessieren, ob das Homebridge Plugin nach dem Update noch funktioniert?

    • Hallo Olli, hab mich eben getraut auf meiner DS416play DSM 6.2 zu installieren. Installation ging glatt und auch mein Docker mit Homebridge und UniFi Contoller laufen einwandfrei. Gefühlt läuft es auch etwas schneller. Hoffe das hilft dir.

  • Habe ein NAS von QNAP. 8 Jahre alt und es gibt noch immer Updates.

  • Habe heute das System Update durchgeführt.. Synology DS218 und DS112j (per Weboberfläche)
    meine aktuelle FW ist aber bei beiden Geräten nun DSM 6.1.7-15284 2018/05/19 und nicht 6.2?
    wird die 6.2 noch nachgeschoben?

  • Redet mit. Seid nett zueinander!

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