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Härter formuliert: Apple schreibt Entwickler-Richtlinien um

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Aus Anlass der Entwickler-Konferenz WWDC 2017 hat Apple die Entwickler-Richtlinien, die alle App-Anbieter abnicken und einhalten müssen, großflächig überarbeitet. Die sogenannten „App Store Review Guidelines“, in denen Apple erklärt welche Anwendungen im App Store gern gesehen sind und welche Apps bzw. Features dort nichts zu suchen haben, lassen sich in ihrer neuen Ausgabe jetzt im Entwickler-Portal developer.apple.com einsehen.

App Store Icon

Unter anderem weist Apple darauf hin, dass der App Store kein Ort für private Apps ist, übt Druck auf Anbieter von medizinischen Apps aus und erinnert die Entwickler nicht nur daran, die Nutzer fortan nicht mehr mit Bewertungsabfragen zu nerven, sondern bitte auch ordentliche Screenshots abzuliefern, die die App in Aktion und nicht nur einen Login-Bildschirm zeigen.

Wir haben einen genaueren Blick auf die Zusätze und die überarbeiteten Passagen geworfen und listen diese im Anschluss auf. Wo nicht anders notiert, handelt es sich um neu hinzugefügte Absätze.


  • Umformuliert – The App Store is a great way to reach hundreds of millions of people around the world. If you build an app that you just want to show to family and friends, the App Store isn’t the best way to do that. Consider Ad Hoc distribution or the Enterprise Program. If you’re just getting started, learn more about the Apple Developer Program.
  • Neu hinzugefügt – If your app no longer functions as intended or you’re no longer actively supporting it, it will be removed from the App Store. Learn More about App Store Improvements.

Abschnitt 1 – Sicherheit

  • Neu hinzugefügt – 1.1.7 App Store Reviews: App Store customer reviews can be an integral part of the app experience, so you should treat customers with respect when responding to their comments. Keep your responses targeted to the user’s comments and do not include personal information, spam, or marketing in your response. Use the provided API to prompt users to review your app; this functionality allows customers to provide an App Store rating and review without the inconvenience of leaving your app, and we will disallow custom review prompts.
  • Neu hinzugefügt – 1.4 Physical Harm: Medical apps that could provide inaccurate data or information, or that could be used for diagnosing or treating patients may be reviewed with greater scrutiny. Apps must clearly disclose data and methodology to support accuracy claims relating to health measurements, and if the level of accuracy or methodology cannot be validated, we will reject your app. For example, apps that claim to take x-rays, measure blood pressure, body temperature, blood glucose levels, or blood oxygen levels using only the sensors on the device are not permitted. Apps should remind users to check with a doctor in addition to using the app and before making medical decisions.
  • Umformuliert – 1.4.3 Apps that encourage consumption of tobacco products, illegal drugs, or excessive amounts of alcohol are not permitted on the App Store. Apps that encourage minors to consume any of these substances will be rejected. Facilitating the sale of marijuana, tobacco, or controlled substances (except for licensed pharmacies) isn’t allowed.

Abschnitt 2 – Performance

  • Neu hinzugefügt – 2.3.2 If you decide to promote in-app purchases on the App Store, ensure that the IAP Display Name and Description are written for a public audience and that your app properly handles the Purchase Intent API so that customers can seamlessly complete the purchase when your app launches.
  • Neu hinzugefügt – 2.3.3 Screenshots should show the app in use, and not merely the title art, log-in page, or splash screen. They may also include text overlays and show extended functionality on device, such as Touch Bar.
  • Neu hinzugefügt – 2.3.7 App subtitles are a great way to provide additional context for your app; they must follow our standard metadata rules and should not include inappropriate content, reference other apps, or make unverifiable product claims
  • Neu hinzugefügt – 2.5.1 Keep your apps up-to-date and make sure you phase out any deprecated features, frameworks or technologies that will no longer be supported in future versions of an OS.
  • Neu hinzugefügt – 2.5.2 Apps designed to teach, develop, or test executable code may, in limited circumstances, download code provided that such code is not used for other purposes. Such apps must make the source code provided by the Application completely viewable and editable by the user.
  • Neu hinzugefügt – 2.5.12 Apps using CallKit or including an SMS Fraud Extension should only block phone numbers that are confirmed spam. Apps that include call-, SMS-, and MMS- blocking functionality or spam identification must clearly identify these features in their marketing text and explain the criteria for their blocked and spam lists. You may not use the data accessed via these tools for any purpose not directly related to operating or improving your app or extension (e.g. you may not use, share, or sell it for tracking purposes, creating user profiles, etc.)

Abschnitt 3 – Bezahlung

  • Neu hinzugefügt – 3.1.1 Apps may use in-app purchase currencies to enable customers to “tip” digital content providers in the app.
  • Umformuliert – 3.2.2 Apps should not require users to rate the app, review the app, watch videos, download other apps, tap on advertisements, or take other similar actions in order to access functionality, content, use the app, or receive monetary or other compensation. Artificially manipulating a user’s visibility, status, or rank on other services unless permitted by that service’s Terms and Conditions

Abschnitt 4 – Design

  • Neu hinzugefügt – 4.2.5 Apps that are primarily iCloud and iCloud Drive file managers need to include additional app functionality to be approved.
  • Neu hinzugefügt – 4.2.6 Apps created from a commercialized template or app generation service will be rejected.
  • Neu hinzugefügt – 4.6 Alternate App Icons: Apps may display customized icons, for example, to reflect a sports team preference, provided that each change is initiated by the user and the app includes settings to revert to the original icon. All icon variants must relate to the content of the app and changes should be consistent across all system assets, so that the icons displayed in Settings, Notifications, etc. match the new springboard icon. This feature may not be used for dynamic, automatic, or serial changes, such as to reflect up-to-date weather information, calendar notifications, etc.
  • Neu hinzugefügt – 4.7 Third-Party Software: Apps may contain or run code provided by third party developers (e.g. HTML5-based games), as long as the code is not offered in a store or store-like interface, and provided that the software (1) is free or purchased using in-app purchase; (2) only uses capabilities available in a standard WebKit view; your app must use WebKit and JavaScript Core to run third party software and should not attempt to extend or expose native platform APIs to third party software; (3) is offered by developers that have joined the Apple Developer Program and signed the Apple Developer Program License Agreement; and (4) adheres to the terms of these App Review Guidelines (e.g. does not include objectionable content; uses IAP to unlock features and functionality). You must provide an index of third party software and metadata available in your app upon request.

Abschnitt 4 – Recht

  • Umformuliert – 5.1.1 Absatz 1, letzter Satz: Your app description should let people know what types of access (e.g. location, contacts, calendar, etc..) are requested by your app, and what aspects of the app won’t work if the user doesn’t grant permission.
  • Neu hinzugefügt – 5.1.2: You may not attempt, facilitate, or encourage others to identify users or reconstruct user profiles based on data that you say has been collected in an “anonymized,” “aggregated,” or otherwise non-identifiable way.
  • Neu hinzugefügt – 5.2.1: Apps should be submitted by the person or legal entity that owns or has licensed the intellectual property and other relevant rights and is responsible for offering any services provided by the app.
  • Neu hinzugefügt – 5.2.5: Apps and extensions, including third party keyboards and Sticker packs, may not include Apple emoji.
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    6 Kommentare bisher. Dieser Unterhaltung fehlt Deine Stimme.
  • Gute Sache, wenn Apple das auch konsequent, nachvollziehbar und gut kommuniziert umsetzen würde. Schaut man sich den Store an, sieht man dort unzählige Apps die gegen eine oder mehrere schon bestehende Regeln verstoßen. Fragt man auf der anderen Seite Entwickler bekommt man haufenweise Geschichten zu hören, bei denen Apps scheinbar nur an der aktuellen Laune des Reviewers gescheitert sind. Auf der einen Seite Schrott scheinbar blind durchzuwinken und auf der anderen Seite ehrliche Entwickler mit Bürokratie zu plagen, passt nicht so gut zusammen. Da helfen auch (noch) strengere Regeln nichts.

  • Alkohol und Tabak weitestgehend auszuschließen finde ich okay.
    Ich vermisse allerdings einen ähnlichen Hinweis auf die sich ausbreitende Pest der Suchtspiel-Mafia (sog. Glücksspiele, Wettspiele mit oft realem Geldeinsatz, Poker, Einarmige Banditen, Slot Machines, etc.), die – vom Geldwäsche-Problem mal abgesehen – für Kinder frei zugänglich sind und m.E. mindestens hinter einer Ü18-Wand verschwinden (oder gleich ganz rausfliegen) sollten. :(

  • Redet mit. Seid nett zueinander!

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